Looking at ebay it would seem the 924 has been hit by the dreaded 'scene tax', not many clean ones on there for under £2500. I know a lot of people on vw forums complain about 'scene tax', but I don't really get why they complain, as they are normally the biggest reason for prices going up! (Strangely enough my local scrappy doesn't charge 'scene tax' on the parts I buy from them!)
It stands to reason that if something is popular it will hold or even increase in value, it's no good crying 'scene tax' if you miss the party or leave the party early!
Conversely, over-priced tat tends not to sell.
I recently picked up a very tidy bmw e36 325 for £650. One of the big reason for buying it was that I am pretty sure it is one of those cars that will start to creep up in value, just like the 924 has done/is doing.
It stands to reason that if something is popular it will hold or even increase in value, it's no good crying 'scene tax' if you miss the party or leave the party early!
Conversely, over-priced tat tends not to sell.
I recently picked up a very tidy bmw e36 325 for £650. One of the big reason for buying it was that I am pretty sure it is one of those cars that will start to creep up in value, just like the 924 has done/is doing.