Feb 27, 2011 14:18:01 GMT
I thought I'd put this here as an easy place to stick the frequently asked questions we get in the run up to the show This first post will be the Table Of Contents for the rest of the thread. 1. Why Is Camping Limited?
Last Edit: Feb 27, 2011 14:26:07 GMT by HoTWire
Feb 27, 2011 14:25:23 GMT
Why is camping limited?We've been asked by a few people about the limit on camping and even had it implied that we are some how elitist for having such limited camping. The reason our camping is limited is pretty mundane, when you have over 300 people and only about five members of the team on site it becomes a bit of a safety issue. We've found over the past few years that 300 is our limit for our current team size. The camping has always been there simply to allow people that have to travel a long way to get the show the chance to attend without having to leave at 4am on the Sunday. It has become something more for some people but for the organising team it is still all about the Car Show on the Sunday If we had stayed at Haynes this year we would have probably got in some extra security and extended the camping, however we had the chance to move to Prescott so we did that instead. We'll take a view on how the new venue behaves with our camping requirements and see about upping the camping numbers next year after the dust has settled from the show. Hopefully everyone that wants camping tickets will be able to get them. If we run out before the show we'll make sure that other local campsites are advertised.